polled hundreds of experts—from top doctors to restaurant menu planners to sex
coaches—for all the essential health tips women need to eat better, feel
better, and look better. What we found: fascinating advice and tricks to calm
down anywhere pack any meal with antioxidants, outsmart germs in a public
bathroom, squeeze in a 10-minute workout, and much, much more.
1. Slash your health Care Bills
Bite back at dental costs. For routine
cleanings, go to a dental hygiene clinic, where students supervised by a
dentist and hygienist train on patients. The Montgomery County Community
College Dental Hygiene Clinic in Blue Bell, PA, for example, charges $15 for a
cleaning and exam. Check colleges for clinics, or visit the American Dental
Association's website for a
national listing of dental schools.
Halve drug co-pays. Ask your
doctor if she can prescribe a pill at twice the dose, to be cut in half by you
or your pharmacist, reducing the cost by 50%. Also, fill your prescription at
chain stores that sponsor savings programs for steep discounts. Walmart offers
hundreds of $4 prescriptions. The Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens
includes over 400 generics for less than $1 a week.
2. Breathe away More Fat
Oxygen helps fuel your fat burn, so
the more efficiently you breathe, the better your workout results. The trick:
breathe in and out through both your mouth and nose.
3. Spot stealthy salt
Up to 75% of the salt in our diets
comes from packaged foods. This simple trick can keep your sodium intake in
check: “Look for a 1-to-1 ratio of calories to sodium or less,” says Prevention advisor
David L. Katz, MD, MPH, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. If a
food has 150 calories per serving, it should have no more than 150 mg of
sodium. Keep your intake below 1,500 mg a day.
4. Get a great workout in 10 minutes
Are you too busy for the gym? No
problem. Just 10 minutes can burn nearly 100 calories and boost your energy
level by up to 18%. Try this compressed routine from Jessica Dart, personal
training manager at Equinox Soho in New York City:
Minutes 0:00-0:59: Climb stairs
(walk, run, or sprint)
Minutes 1:00-1:29: Do reverse
lunges with overhead presses (lunge backward, lifting arms overhead with each
lunge; alternate sides).
Minutes 1:30-2:00: Do squats.
Repeat the circuit 4 more times.
Beginners may want to incorporate 30 seconds of rest between each cycle.
5. Never forget a name
Focus on the name as you hear it.
People who are good at remembering names are interested in them, asking how
they’re spelled or pronounced. Then repeat it not once but several times, says
Cynthia R. green, PhD, coauthor of Prevention’s
Brainpower Game Plan.
When you meet someone new, you might
say, “Eliza? Hi, Eliza, it’s nice to meet you. That’s a pretty name...” Every
time you restate the name, you’re more likely to recall it in the future. Bye,
6. Test your posture
Stand up straight and count how
long you can hold the pose at left before you have to put your foot down.
Repeat on the other side. If you can’t
balance on each leg for at least 20 seconds, you aren’t standing as straight as
you think you are, or your muscles are too weak to hold you in place.
Do the exercise 3 times a day
on each leg to improve.
7. Scarproof your skin
Scars fade faster if you keep cuts
covered and moist, say Jeffrey Dover, MD, president of the American Society for
Dermatologic Surgery. If you tend to develop raised scars, switch to
scar-reducing bandages once skin heals; studies show that silicone sheets help
by reducing collagen production. Try Scaraway ($20; drugstores).
8. Find the perfect doctor for you
The best way to find someone who has
experience treating your particular condition is to call the physician referral
service at a large university hospital, says Lauren Streicher, MD, an assistant
clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University.
9. Learn the art of label reading
Rule 1: Ignore all
front-of-the-box health claims. “They’re about marketing, not health,” says
Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public
health at New York University. A “low-fat” or “low-carbohydrate” claim tells
you nothing about what else was added to compensate (think sugar or salt).
Rule 2: Flip to the
nutrition facts and scan the ingredient list. Look for a list that’s not
straight out of a science lab.
Rule 3: Remember
that a daily value of 20% or or more for any nutrient is considered high (great
for calcium, but a warning sign for saturated fats).
10. Pick the right sports bra
Try this dressing room “workout” from
LaJean Lawson, PhD, an adjunct exercise science professor at Oregon State
Reach arms overhead and circle
them 10 times in each direction. If the bra shifts too much, the straps slip,
or you feel chafing, keep looking.
Bend forward at the hips and stretch. Make sure
your breasts don’t peek out over the top or sides.
Jog or jump in front of a mirror. If your
breasts move up and down more than an inch or you feel discomfort, you’re not
getting enough support.
11. Make anyone laugh (including yourself)
Laughter zaps stress, improves
cholesterol, and boosts circulation and immunity. Need fresh material? Steal
ideas from top comedy coaches:
Exaggerate the truth. Instead of
complaining that you were stuck at the department of motor vehicles, say, “I
just got back after lunch from the DMV. I got in line at 9 am...last Tuesday.”
There’s a surprise element, but also recognition of a shared truth that makes
people laugh. —Stephen Rosenfield, director of the American Comedy Institute in
New York City
Poke fun at yourself.
Self-deprecation helps people let down their guard. (Abraham Lincoln: “If I had
two faces, would I be wearing this one?”) Just list your faults and exaggerate
them. —Mary Scruggs, head of writing and education programs at the Second City
Training Center, Chicago
Be overly enthusiastic. Say yes in a
big way, even when you don’t mean it. Your husband wants season tickets at the
new football stadium? Offer to move there. ——Will Hines, teacher at the Upright
Citizens Brigade Training Center in New York City
12. Resist menu words that pack pounds
Mouthwatering descriptions can suggest
that an unhealthy dish is worth the splurge—when it’s the same old grub you’d
get anywhere. Some red flags, according to Brian Wansink, PhD, author of Mindless Eating:
Grandma’s homemade apple pie: We have
positive associations with certain means of preparation—think homemade or
traditional—that encourage us to order them.
Kansas City barbecue: We assume
regional food tastes better, even if the restaurant isn’t in the referenced
Velvety chocolate mousse: Sensory
words like creamy, juicy, and triple-rich induce cravings, even though items
without such labels taste the same.
Jack Daniels glazed ribs: If you like
a specific brand, you think you’ll like menu items featuring its flavor.
13. Do a proper push-up
Push-ups are hands down one of the
best full-body toners—the basic move works your abs, arms, and chest. To easily
master full push-ups, start in a more vertical position, working your way down
to doing them on the floor as you master the form.
1. Start standing up, leaning
against a high counter.
2. Lean against a desk.
3. Lean against the stationary
seat of a stable chair.
4. Lean against the second step of
a staircase.
5. Do them on the floor.
When you can do 5 reps with good form
(body in line from head to feet), move to the next step.
14. Reboot your love life for $20
For lustier sex, experts have a word
of advice: novelty. New experiences heighten levels of the brain chemical dopamine,
which can send sexual desire soaring, says Susan Kellogg-Spadt, PhD, cofounder
of the Pelvic & Sexual Health Institute in Philadelphia.
Fool around with a vibrator. Research
shows that 53% of women and 45% of men use one. Incorporating one into your
sexual play can generate greater desire, arousal, lubrication, and frequency of
orgasm. Try a Pocket Rocket, available for $9.99 at amazon.com.
Experiment with Zestra. This
arousal-enhancing botanical oil, applied topically, increases blood flow, creating
a warm, tingling sensation. Women who use it often climax more quickly and have
more intense orgasms. A three-pack, available at mass merchandisers, costs
15. Buy the best catch
Here’s a “supergreen” list of fish
that’s not only high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids but also low in
contaminants (such as mercury and PCBs) and sustainably raised and caught.
Among the best choices: rainbow trout (farmed), oysters (farmed), and wild
caught Alaskan salmon. Also good: arctic char (farmed) and bay scallops
(farmed). Find the entire list at montereybayaquarium.org
(and soon, in a free iPhone app).
16. Get age-erasing brows
Step 1: Trim the excess. Brush brows
straight up, then carefully snip hairs that extend above the top of your
natural brow line.
Step 2: Tweeze between brows. The inner
edge of your brow should line up with the inner corner of your eye.
Step 3: Define the shape. To accent
your arch, which should line up near the outer edge of your iris, tweeze two
rows of hair from beneath it. Let the brow’s tail extend slightly past the
eye’s outer corner.
17. Heal common aches at home
For heartburn: Take
deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) as a chewable tablet 20 minutes before eating
to soothe mucous membranes in the digestive tract and prevent reflux, says
Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship at the Arizona Center for
Integrative Medicine.
For back pain: Try comfrey
root salve, an ancient but proven back pain reliever. Low Dog likes the product
Kytta-Salbe f by Merck, available at smallflower.com.
For a common cold: Sip thyme tea
with honey, says Debra Brammer, ND, associate clinical dean in the School of
Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Put loose leaves in a filter (if
dried, use 1 rounded teaspoon per 1 cup of hot water; if fresh, use 2 tablespoons)
and steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Thyme is a mild expectorant, and honey is a known
cough soother and antimicrobial.
18. Spot hidden sugars
Avoid products with any form of sugar
in the first five ingredients. If the word is a “syrup” or ends in -ose, it’s
an added sweetener.
19. Get the sleep you crave
A good cardio workout, such as a
30-minute jog, can help you snag more slow-wave sleep, the deep restorative
kind you need to feel refreshed, according to sleep expert Michael J. Breus,
20. Heal cracked cuticles
If your cuticles are bleeding, apply
Super Glue for a few days to seal skin, suggests Mary Lupo, MD, a dermatologist
in New Orleans. To prevent damage in the first place, use an ultrahydrating
hand cream (tip-off ingredients include petrolatum, shea butter, and linoleic
acid); it keeps fragile skin soft and pliable—and more resistant to wear and
tear. Little-known fact: Digging in your purse is the number one cause of
traumatized cuticles, says Lupo.
21. Master an indoor cycling class
Don’t be intimidated! Indoor cycling
is super-popular even among gym class newbies, and with good reason: The right
technique can blast more than 500 calories in 45 minutes. Kate Hickl, master
instructor at Flywheel Sports, an indoor cycling studio in New York City,
shares her top riding tips:
Adjust seat height so knee is
only slightly bent at bottom of the stroke for more power and comfort.
Draw abs in to take
weight off hands and avoid bouncing up and down.
Pedal in “circles” using the
same resistance as you push the pedal forward and down and as you pull the
pedal back and up.
22. Do a 5-second health check
Toilet test: Is there blood in the
bowl after a bowel movement? It’s likely just hemorrhoids, but if
you’ve never been diagnosed before, see a doctor, says Yale gastroenterologist
Anish Sheth, MD. Blood in the stool may be a sign of colon cancer or
diverticulosis, small pouches in the lining of the colon.
Sleep test: How fast do you fall
If you routinely conk out in less than 5 minutes, that’s a sign you’re sleep
deprived, Breus says. Skimping on sleep is linked to a host of serious ills,
including high blood pressure, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes. Sleep 30
minutes longer and see how you feel.
Bloating test: Do you tend to bloat
and get full easily? This symptom—if it’s new for you and lasts 2
weeks or longer—could be a symptom of ovarian cancer, says ob-gyn and Prevention advisor
Mary Jane Minkin, MD. This sign is usually present at the earliest stage, but
because it’s so common, women often ignore it.
23. Stop a craving right now
Follow these 5 steps:
Name 5 things you
see in front of you.
ID 4 colors you see.
Describe 3 things your body is feeling (such as temperature or a texture, like your shirt fabric).
Identify 2 sounds.
State 1 thing that you can smell.
ID 4 colors you see.
Describe 3 things your body is feeling (such as temperature or a texture, like your shirt fabric).
Identify 2 sounds.
State 1 thing that you can smell.
Why it works: “Focusing on
your senses quiets the chatter in your mind so you can tune in to your body’s
signals better—and decide whether you’re really hungry,” says psychologist
Susan Albers, PsyD, author of 50
Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food.
24. Drink purer water
At home: First, assess
the quality of your tap water. If you’re on a municipal system, your utility
should mail you an annual Consumer Confidence Report; you could also test your
water through a certified lab (find one at epa.gov). If you
have good-quality water, a simple carafe filter can improve taste and remove
lead. Consumer
Reports named the Tersano Lotus, Clear20, and Brita Smart Pitcher
as its top three picks for 2010. If your H20 requires more filtration, try a
faucet-mounted filter, which removes additional contaminants such as arsenic.
CR’s top picks: Culligan, Pur Vertical, and the Brita OPFF-100.
On the go: Tote filtered
tap water in a reusable stainless steel (not plastic-lined) bottle that’s BPA
free. The chemical, found in certain plastics, can pose health problems.
25. Relieve post-workout soreness
Gentle stretching can boost blood flow
and help repair damaged muscle. or try one of these other proven healers:
Give yourself a rubdown: Roll a foam
roller or tennis ball along your achy body part. Massage can reduce delayed
onset muscle soreness by up to 40%.
Eat ginger: A daily dose
(a teaspoon of raw or powdered) can ease post-exercise pain by up to 25%. Add
to hot food, like a stir-fry or grilled salmon salad.
26. Know your survival dish
When you’re too exhausted to think
about dinner, it helps to have a fallback recipe that requires minimal effort
and is made with ingredients you keep on hand.
27. Rewire your brain for happiness
Matthieu Ricard, PhD, a scientist,
humanitarian, and Buddhist monk, is often referred to as “the happiest man in the
world.” His secret: meditation. Try this 10-minute exercise adapted from his
new book Why
Meditate? Work up to 20 minutes or more daily.
Find a balanced position sitting
cross-legged or on a chair.
Breathe calmly and
naturally. Concentrate on the passage of air through your nostrils.
When you’re clearly aware of your
breath, imagine an innocent, joyous young child approaching. In your mind’s
eye, look at him with tenderness and feel unconditional benevolence and love.
Bask in the
mindful awareness of love.
28. Trim your own bangs like a pro
Follow these easy steps from Louise
O’Connor, owner of OC61 Salon and Spa in New York City:
Step 1: Style hair normally. Wet hair is
longer, so cutting bangs dry keeps you from going too short. Use sharp,
straight-edged scissors; utility ones are usually too dull for cutting hair.
Try Tweezerman Styling Shears ($15; tweezerman.com).
Step 2: Snip vertically, starting at
the center. Slightly lift a 1-inch section of hair and hold it loosely between
your index and middle fingers. Hold scissors with the ends pointing up and chip
into hair upward on an angle to create a soft fringe—never straight across.
Step 3: Be conservative. Snip about
1/4 inch at a time. You can always go shorter, but growing out hair takes
29. Keep your laces snug
Try this simple trick for a more
secure bow: Reverse the very first step in tying your shoe, and then make your
bow as usual. If you typically cross the right lace over the left one, now tie
left over right, for instance. Experts say this method results in more tension
in the knot—regardless of how you start the process—so it gets tighter, not
looser, over time.
30. Whiten teeth by tonight
Try aquafresh white trays ($34;
drugstores). Wearing them for 45 minutes in the morning and then again at night
(instead of the recommended once a day) can noticeably whiten your teeth, says
NYC cosmetic dentist Gregg Lituchy, DDS.
31. Boost antioxidants at any meal
Herbs and spices can deliver just as
much disease-fighting punch as fruits and veggies, says Cheryl Forberg, RD,
author of Positively
Ageless. Here, how to add low-calorie flavor while dramatically
boosting your antioxidant
Tarragon, fresh: Add to
scrambled eggs
Score*: 155
Score*: 155
Oregano, dried: Add to
tomato bruschetta or chicken breast marinated in olive oil and garlic.
Score: 1,753
Score: 1,753
Cloves, ground: Add
to mashed sweet potatoes or acorn squash.
Score: 2,903
Score: 2,903
Cinnamon, ground: Add
to oatmeal, French toast, or applesauce.
Score: 1,752
Score: 1,752
Thyme, fresh: Add to
fresh orange slices with black pepper and olive oil.
Score: 137
Score: 137
Sage, fresh: Add to
cornbread and stuffings.
Score: 320
Score: 320
Turmeric: Add to
curries and bulgur salad with chickpeas and currants.
Score: 1,271
Score: 1,271
*Scores, per 1/2 teaspoon, are in ORAC
points, a measure of antioxidants in food. As a comparison, a 1/2-cup serving
of blueberries has an ORAC score of 3,502.
32. Stay clean in a public bathroom
The ladies’ room is a hot spot for
bacteria, says Philip Tierno Jr., PhD, director of microbiology at NYU Langone
Medical Center. Here are four surprising ways to keep germs at bay:
Avoid the middle stall: It tends to
be used the most and accumulate more bacteria, says University of Arizona
microbiologist Charles Gerba, PhD. The first stall is likely cleanest.
Don’t put your purse on the floor: Gerba found
that one-third of pocketbooks placed on restroom floors had fecal matter on the
bottom. If there’s no hook on the door, hang your purse on your shoulder.
Flee after flushing: The flush,
usually more forceful than your home toilet’s, aerosolizes germs in the bowl,
so leave before they land on you.
33. Beat a workout rut
When you’re bored, so is your body—and
your fitness level can reflect that mental ennui. To keep things fresh, create
a Wildcard Workout Jar: Jot down 20 different routines on scraps of paper—from
skipping rope with your kids to a specific interval walk. Pull one from the jar
each time your workout starts to feel ho-hum.
34. Never skip flossing
You know flossing is important—it
helps remove bacteria from under the gum line that can contribute to heart
disease—but it’s easy to forget. Keep it top of mind by stashing Y-shaped floss
holders or any other flossing aides near your TV remote and get the job done
during a commercial break, suggests Lynn M. Ramer, LDH, president of the
American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
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Aqeel A. Zaman