Sunday, January 12, 2014

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5 Natural Moisturisers For a Glowing Skin - Winter Special Skin Care

Everyone wants to grab attention and look their best and refreshing, be it any season. But, thanks to our stressful lives, faulty eating habits, pollution and most of all our lethargy, we neglect to take care of ourselves. A healthy skin and perfect radiance top the wish list of every woman irrespective of her age and profession.

It is not possible to rush to the salon to get beauty treatments or spend a lot on expensive cosmetic moisturizers, so we bring to you some easily available natural substitutes that will help you avoid harsh skin conditions caused by winter winds.

Honey: Honey is an excellent moisturizer for skin as it is a natural antibacterial, making it great for acne treatment and prevention. It also has antiseptic properties.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has immense benefits when it comes to skin as it has antioxidants and vitamins which will leave a perfect glow on your skin that you always longed for thereby repairing skin cells.

Olive Oil: Olive oil works wonders when it comes to banishing dry skin troubles during winters. The liquid gold contains linoleic acid which helps block the moisture of the skin.

Rose water: Rose water is really good for the skin as it removes skin clogs, blackheads and reduces stickiness on face as it acts as a natural astringent, thereby protecting skin pores.

Avocados: Avocado is one food that has an alkalising factor. Avocados are a rich source of Vitamin E which is essential for glowing skin, retains moisture of the skin, thereby prolonging ageing of the skin.


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Aqeel A. Zaman